Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes the policies and procedures of EMTEN (“we”, “our” or “us”) regarding your information we are collecting, using, and disclosing in connection with your use of the Emten application (the “App”). This section also explains our policies and procedures regarding your information we are collecting, using, and disclosing in connection with your use of our services, content, features or applications we offer through the App (collectively, the “Services”). The information we are receiving about you is coming from different sources that, without limitation, include:

This Privacy Policy Covers:

Your “Personal Information” is being gathered when you are using or accessing the Services and this Privacy Policy covers the treatment of such “Personal Information”. The treatment of Any personal information shared between our business partners and we is also covered in this Privacy Policy.
If you elect to access any third party, we do not own or control, websites, applications and services (e.g. iTunes, Google Play, facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube etc.) (each a “Third Party Service”) through the Service, then the practices of such third parties are not covered in this Privacy Policy. We are only facilitating you to access those Third-Party Services and, hence do not take any responsibility for the content or privacy policies of those Third-Party Services. Before accessing to any Third-Party Services, you should carefully review their privacy policies.

Information We Collect:

You agree that we can personalize and improve the Services by utilizing the information we gather from you. Some of your additional personal information may be requested, collected and/or displayed by us in connection with certain aspects of the Services. The information we collect from our users is as following:

In addition, with your expressed consent only, your social media account login credential in connection with providing you with the Services may be collected and received. Your login information shall be used according to this Privacy Policy or as otherwise expressly authorized by you.

IP Address Information and Other Information Automatically Collected:

How, and With Whom, Is My Information Shared?

This information associated with Accounts of registered users may belong to the registered users, whereas unregistered users will not have this association. However, we may still track information concerning unregistered users’ use of the Services, using cookies, and such information may be stored by us.
The Personal Information provided by you through public features of the services is governed by the privacy settings of those features and that information may be publicly available. Such information may be read, use or disclosed by you to other individuals or entities and search engines may index that information. Hence you are encouraged to think carefully about including any specific information you may think private in content that you create or information that you submit through the Services.

What About Security of My Information?
We try our utmost to keep your Account information private and protected, however, the security of any Account information is not guaranteed by us. All information, including your IP address and device information, is stored as per industry-standard techniques by us. However, such techniques will not guarantee prevention of unauthorized access to information about you that we store, Personal Information or otherwise. The security of user information may be compromised at any time by unauthorized entry or use, hardware or software failure, and other factors. In addition, it is your sole responsibility to prevent your Account credentials in order to prevent unauthorized access to your Account and Personal Information by limiting access to Service Device (as defined in the Terms if Service).

What Type of My Information Can I Access?
The information associated with you can be accessed by you by contacting us at Cookies can be accessed and deleted through web browser settings by registered and unregistered users.

How Can I Delete My Account?
You can delete your account by deleting the App or by emailing us at Your Account information will no longer be accessible through your Account once you terminate your Account. However, any public activity or information will remain accessible to the public if that activity is made prior to deletion of the Account.

What Rights Do I Have Concerning My Information?

What Are The Effects of Changes In This Privacy Policy?
This Privacy Policy may be amended from time to time. The time of information we collect from you is subject to the Privacy Policy of that time when the information is collected. You will be notified about the changes in the way we collect or use information by posting an announcement on the Services or sending you an email by us. Every user is agree to the changes in the Privacy Policy of the Services when such changes have been first posted.

What If There are Any Questions or Concerns by Me?

In case of any queries and concerns regarding this Privacy Policy of using the Services, you may message us at We will leave no stone unturned to satisfy your concern
Effective Date: Nov 20, 2020
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